We’re committed to demystifying the Campership Program for our families, because we want your campers to come to camp with us this summer. Here are some things everyone should know about Farm & Wilderness Campership:
It’s not too late for 2022!
- After our initial deadline, we are still accepting applications & now awarding financial aid on a rolling basis. Apply HERE!
- In 2021, every family who applied received an award.
- We have $500k to be awarded in 2022.
Don’t Assume You Are Ineligible For Financial Aid.
- In 2021, the median family income for campership awards was $130,000
- The average award covered just over 50% of camp tuition.
- About 51% of campers received financial assistance of some kind.
We are committed to affordability for all and to quickly & simply answer the question:
“How much will it cost my family for our child/ren to attend an F&W camp?”
In 2023 one resource we’re excited to add is an interactive financial aid estimator. This tool will show families what they can expect to pay for camp based on their income and will be available on our website.
You can apply for financial aid for summer 2022 HERE. If you have any questions or hesitations about the process, please reach out to us at admsissions@farmandwilderness.org and we’ll be happy to help.
“Thank you so much for this campership. I almost want to make sure there wasn’t a typo because of how much it is. As a single mom this helps me incredibly to give my daughter this amazing experience. This year was a financial struggle in every way and I wasn’t sure what I could make happen. Thank you again.”
– Farm & Wilderness Parent and Campership Recipient