Farm & Wilderness Blog

IB's Overnight Trips & Other Summer Fun! - Farm & Wilderness

Written by Theresa Serr | July 15, 2021

How fleet the days of summer are!

Since our last blog…

Our 10-day campers went on overnight trips to either Peggy’s Pond or Black Pond shelters and had an amazing time sleeping almost under the.. well, not stars, but cool, night clouds. Then, like a warm breeze – they blew out of here to finish their summer adventures at home and beyond.

First, Big, and Senior Lodges are also going on their overnight adventures this week. First Lodge is visiting Peggy’s pond and our F&W shelter. Big Lodge added trips to Crooked and Phil’s shelters, and Crown Point (which is near a really cool memorial and gravesite of an unknown revolutionary war soldier).

Senior Lodge will be branching out to include a trip to Spruce Point (tent camping there!) and our newest shelter on the S.A.M. trail. We can’t wait to hear how they enjoy that trip. Participants in our last work weekend in 2019 kindly built that shelter for us, and we haven’t had a chance to use it until now!

Thursday is “tax day” and you’ll have to ask your campers more about what happens SOMEDAY when they get home. Lots of fun surprises and a total shake-up of the best camp zaniness!

Here is a handwritten sneak peek of what awaits us!


And here is a glimpse of what is on this week’s menu. Yum!

Just a few other housekeeping items:

Mail note: mail is coming and going from camp- please allow extra time as Vermont mail can be notoriously slow.

More photos should be uploaded soon – we’ve had additional pics taken and they are on their way to be posted to the Smugmug gallery!


Please feel free to call or email with questions or to check-in. I’m around the office typically at mealtimes and try to get back to folks within 24-to-48 hours.

Stay safe, and more news to come next week!

— Theresa