July 28, 2020
In the last few months, a lot of you have asked how you could support us or be involved. We’re creating videos to share with new and returning camp families for next year and would love for you to be a part of them. Campers and parents alike can record and share their experiences and excitement about camp. If you’re interested, take a look at the details below.

Here are some sample questions to get you going, feel free to expound upon any of them!
- What changes do you notice about yourself or in your camper after returning home from Farm & Wilderness?
What surprised you the most about Farm & Wilderness?
What do you look forward to when returning to Farm & Wilderness?
Describe your Farm & Wilderness experience in just 3 words.
What’s your favorite story to tell other people about Farm & Wilderness?
How would you explain Farm & Wilderness to someone who’s never been there before?Feel free to also replace “Farm & Wilderness” with your specific camp(s) to highlight that experience!

Recording Tips
- Pick somewhere to sit or stand with a nice/interesting background, not directly up against a blank wall.
- Stablize your phone: If you haven’t got something already to keep your phone hands free, search the internet for upcycle phone tripod ideas! It will look best if you film horizontally with a phone, and if the camera/phone is at your eye level.
- Take one long video of you talking, don’t press stop if you misspeak. We can edit out any flubs, so just push through!
It’s okay to prepare and/or babble on! If it will help you to write out answers and ideas of what to talk about, go for it! If you just want to record and see where the questions take you, awesome! It might be helpful to have you and your camper take turns being each other’s filming helper. When one of you is on camera, have the other ask the questions and then switch! (Just try not to talk over one another!) Give space for answers and explanations, as well as asking each other clarifying questions! What a great opportunity to get to discuss and discover one another’s reflections and admirations of one another!
Please either start or end your video with your full first and last name, and which camp(s) you/your camper(s) attended.
If you’d like to send other video or pictures you’ve taken of F&W moments at home, please do! Send an email to samgreen@farmandwilderness.org with any questions or helpful info/stories behind other video or pictures you submit to us!