Strategic Plan Process Update
Jan. 22, 2020
The Strategic Planning Committee met several times in December. Of the initial eight goals identified by Board and staff in October, four strategic initiatives emerged. These include: Summer Programs; Year Round Programs; Financial Sustainability ; Inclusivity and Equity. Board and staff have been working together on Goal Teams, creating SMART goals and work plans for each initiative. Work is in progress.
December 11, 2019
The strategic planning process is in full swing, as we have divided into 4 Goal Area Teams: Inclusivity & Equity/Access, Summer Programming; Year-round Programs; and Financial Sustainability. We drafted Goal Area purpose statements and now are developing SMART Goals (measurable, actionable, relevant, timely) within each goal area, for annual work and projected outcomes. The intention is to have a scope of work for which we hold ourselves accountable and report on progress. The final step will be to include resources that are needed (infrastructure, staff, budget needs) and then present a concise, detailed plan for board approval at our January board meeting. We hope that our community members will see their input reflected in the final product. If you have any questions about the process, feel free to reach out to
October 29, 2019
In pursuit of a new strategic plan, Farm & Wilderness collected a massive amount of data from the community, the board of trustees and the year-round staff. Recently, the strategic planning committee organized this information into eight Focus Areas with specific goals/strategies for each. This material was presented to key members of the organization for review and prioritization. Participants voted on their top three in each category and had the opportunity to add any new goals they thought might be missing or comment on any they thought might be off-base.
The eight Focus Areas are still being further refined, but below is the current list in no particular order:
The committee’s next goal is to integrate feedback from previous meetings, strengthening the focus areas through collaborative editing.