What a wonderful first few days of camp! It was such a pleasure to get to greet you all as you drove your campers to Indian Brook. Time passes so quickly, and I would like to let our Lodge Directors give you a snapshot of what our session has been so far.
For our First Lodge Families
It has been a blast in First Lodge these past couple of days! From eager faces greeting Liv, the First Lodge Director at the road on opening day to determined campers who have seamlessly folded into the Indian Brook community, these past couple of days have been quite the transformation! On the first night, campers helped their cabins complete a cabin contract to ensure that everyone is helping the community stay safe and inclusive. Afterwards, First Lodged gathered around the fire to learn about there rights and responsibilities here at camp. To top off an exciting night, campers got to eat s’mores! The second night campers participated in an all camp game of capture the flag! Staff and campers from all lodges were all mixed up in a flurry of running and laughter! This is already a fantastic summer!
For our Big Lodge Families
Big lodge is having an amazing time at camp so far and we are only a couple of days in! The campers settled in, turning the cabins, Mala, Annapurna, Rosa parks, Stargrove Willow and Morning glory into their new home. We had a fantastic first night, all of the campers got together with their new cabins mates to make s’mores and tell stories around the campfire. Already there is an amazing atmosphere of fun and laughter all around. Yesterday the campers were orientated to ‘a day in the life of camp’ as well as finding out which trip they will be going on! Campers also got a chance to do some creative arts, help with barn chores and swim at the waterfront. The day the ended with playing an all-camp game of capture the flag! Everyone had such a fantastic time! Camp magic has truly begun!
For our Senior Lodge Families
Senior Lodge has been settling into camp fantastically. On the first night, each cabin made a bonfire in their fire pits, working on their cabin contracts while eating smores! This morning they started their apprenticeships, an activity that each senior lodger does each morning that they’re not out on trips, becoming experts in by the session’s end. This summer the apprenticeships on offer were barns and gardens, rocks and ropes, ceramics, rockstars, waterfront, and work projects. In the coming days, the senior lodge will be preparing for their cabin overnights to Farm & Wilderness owned shelters nearby on Monday night. This will be a chance for the senior lodgers to bond with their cabin while learning skills needed for their 5-day trips later in the session.
Have a wonderful, warm, sunny, and safe month, and we’ll see you in July!
Happy trails,