Farm & Wilderness Blog

Mosquitos, Ticks, and Bears - Oh my!  - Farm & Wilderness

Written by Sam Green | May 15, 2019

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.”  

the Dalai Lama XIV 

While this quote, attributed to the Dalai Lama XIV, can certainly inspire us in righteous endeavors in which we feel too insignificant to conquer, the fact remains that this summer, your camper will indeed find themselves in the company of mosquitos. Fortunately, a rather inexpensive fine mesh bug net tacked around their bunk can keep your sleeping giant protected from this and other nighttime nuisances, such as moths attracted to the glow of a flashlight. For best results, choose a net with a single wide, very fine mesh, rectangular shaped to neatly enclose their bunk with plenty of room to sit up on their mattress. 

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If you find that your camper is particularly appealing to mosquitos, you may also send them with a repellant, such as All Terrain Herbal Armor or Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Repellant. 

Ticks are serious business and we have a daily tick check protocol in place at all overnight camps to ensure locating and removing any of these hitchhikers.  

Additionally, you may find peace of mind in treating your campers’ clothes, socks and/or footwear with Permethrin Spray. This spray, a synthetic form of a compound found in chrysanthemum flowers both repels and kills ticks and other insects. Treated clothing stays potent for about 5 washes, which should last throughout camp, even if your camper is one of the more diligent about getting their laundry together! 

While bears are one of the many animals that inhabit our area, the only bears in Vermont are black bears, relatively shy and rarely seen by people. Attacks in Vermont are extremely rare. The last fatal black bear attack was in 1943, and since then, the only other reported black bear attack was to a woman who had been intentionally feeding bears, even though she was cautioned against doing so. Black bears are opportunistic eaters, drawn to areas with food, but also easily startled and scared off by unfamiliar sounds, such as human voices. A radio playing NPR next to outdoor trashcans can be enough to deter bears from disturbing the cans. Precautions are taken by Farm & Wilderness staff both while on the trail and here at camp to prevent bears discovering our food sources and disposal systems. Families can do their part to keep any and all pests from camper areas by not mailing food in care package parcels. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 802-422-3761 or