January 11, 2019

Amy has been an invaluable member of the management team, and leader among her peer camp directors. We are all appreciative of the work she has done to develop our inclusivity and equity curriculum and staff training, and in establishing the Counselor Apprentice program out of Tamarack Farm, while inspiring and supporting teens in her years as Tamarack Farm director. Amy will be sorely missed.
We are pleased to re-introduce F&W rockstar,
Andrea Breen, who will be the
Interim Tamarack Farm Director for 2019. Andrea grew up in Minneapolis and began working at F&W at the Barn Day Camp in 2000. Andrea has worked with young people for many years as a mentor, youth counselor, and program director. She has worked at a variety of organizations including the YWCA, YMCA, Project Solo, Offstreets, and Outward Bound. She started one of the first Americorps programs, running it for six years. Currently, Andrea is teaching leadership classes at the University of Minnesota in the undergraduate minor in “Leadership,” and consulting on inclusivity, equity, and program design. She loves traveling, cross country skiing, running, biking and all exercise, speaking Spanish, being in nature and spending time with her husband, Billy Perkiss and three kids Shira, Tova, and Zev. She is excited to be returning to the valley and humbled to be asked to help at Tamarack Farm.