We did it!
We set a goal to raise $10,000 to grow campership increase the opportunity to share the gift of F&W with those who might not have the resources to attend.
With your help, we raised over $28,000 to help provide additional campers the chance to attend F&W and be part of the transformative summer experience.

Congratulations to our five lucky winners Finn Baker, Andrea Berchowitz, Zach Biegun, the Feder-Di Toro Family, and Ellen Wasserman who all won a song from Spice to use on their voicemail or ringtone. Thank you, Spice for generously sharing your light and song with us!
And thank you, the F&W community! It is because of the enthusiastic and generous support of our community who gave and encouraged others to give through fundraisers of their own, that F&W can continue to inspire future generations of campers to soar!
Thank YOU!