The clearing now lays quiet and still but the energy of the shrieks and laughter that filled it up until just a few days ago seems to hang electric in the air and the trees and the ground, ready to be drawn forth and known at a moment’s notice. Perhaps that’s the energy that lives at Flying Cloud, imbued by years and years of Flying Clouders running, dancing, singing, and yelling their way through the space, and just being here in so many unique and beautiful ways. The last set of Words given this summer recognizes and reflects the unique beauty within the Flying Clouders to whom they belong.
Day lillies, drawn together by a webSunbeams sparkle on the strands
The dove rises with the sunWeaving an oaken nest
The owl seeks the circleIn the morning glory field
Beneath the mapleThe badger makes its home
Earth cradles the fireAs the sea finds it’s tide
Loonsong echoes across the lakeTo herald the dawn for all
Cedar trunk holds the canopyThat grows forth in the springWelcoming new nests
The wolf stalks the hillsDaybreak reveals new paths