As the summer nears, my excitement increases!! We have amazing staff with remarkable arts, carpentry, boating, cooking, and farming skills. We’re bolstering our plans for programming areas and adding a couple new ones!
There are many good resources on our websites to help parents prepare – Check out these Parents Resources.
What’s Happening This Summer?
Here are some things that I’m looking forward to:
Carpentry and Construction
Putting the finishing touches on our new art barn with this summer’s Tamarack Farmers. And fixing up a cabin!

Our Tamarack Farmers will take on more responsibility on our farm (we’ll be milking three cows daily, running a harvest twice a week, haying, and offering a farm market).
We will have bolstered apprenticeships to choose from including animal husbandry, counselor apprenticeship, and cooking (and many more). We will send out the options in June for this year’s Farmers to choose from
More about this year’s apprenticeships and leadership positions >>
Our Latest News
More info about the upcoming summer, including staff that are returning. Please bookmark our blog to stay in touch all summer long.