Greetings Flying Cloud Blog Readers!
A quick post for you from the woods. Just the other night we held our fourth and final Naming Ceremony for Summer 2015. In celebration of our newly named and the interdependence of all Farm & Wilderness’ camps, we had a pretty big guest list. All of Saltash Mountain Camp hiked into our clearing and sizable groups arrived from every other camp as well.
Our campers truly outdid themselves for this final fire, which was densely packed with brush and chunks alike. The smoke that first billowed out was incredibly dark and was a good omen for a big fire. Within minutes, the blaze was growing rapidly, the heat coming off the fire rising so quickly the canopy was shaking as though a heavy wind was blowing through. As sparks flew upwards, faces followed, mesmerized by the dance of rising and falling embers. As the group was called to dance and song, we were able to add to the passion and heat. I think this was the perfect Naming to close out the summer.
So without further ado, please join me in honoring the last seven newly named Flying Clouders of this summer:
Moonlit Mist
Raven Tends the Nest
Cascade Dreamer
Stone Circle
Willow & Wolf
Shepherd’s Cairn
and our Ninevah Nurse, Meg Clews, as Monarch Spring
From here we’ll be on our way through the final moments of summer. With less than a week left, we still have so many wild adventures to enjoy. Those stories and more in our next and final blog of the summer.
Be well and much love,