Indian Brook is a FULL camp again after welcoming back BIG and SENIOR Lodgers from their trips.
The trip skits reported an abundance of activities and learning experiences. Farm service at Willowell weeded and snacked on strawberries. The Umbagog trippers can’t stop talking about Fart Bugs that kept them up all night. The Lost Shelter group found their way after getting lost and played lots of exciting games on the trail. The Phil’s Shelter group endured lots of mosquito bites and they were glad to get home to Indian Brook where the bugs barely exist. The Tiny Pond group spent many hours of playing a game to figure out the “culprit”. The Tinker Brook group wrote “Woozles Song” (to the tune of ‘Budapest’ by George Ezra) and told lots of stories.
There are so many magical things that happen BOTH in and out of camp. The trips proved to be a success this summer with campers returning to the IB with smiles on their faces. The energy is even higher now as we practice our performance song for the Interdependence Day celebration. Stay tuned, as next week the song will be revealed!
– Megan Chamberlain, IB Director