The first thing to understand if you are reading this blog, is that your time is not our time. The quantity of human connection and interaction – both expected and unexpected, that happen each hour simply dwarfs one’s normal day-to- day experience. I look back on my own day. It included some significant challenges – moments when I believed I was doing the right thing, but not sure if it would be enough to get the result I desired. To later see a few of my hopes realized within the same day is incredibly gratifying and I find myself marveling at what one single day can bring.
We finished our first cycle today and campers were meeting their own challenges. We saw some of the children who were touched by a bit of homesickness begin to open up. One J1 camper who was a bit down in the morning by the evening was up in front of the whole camp at Council Fire to recite “the second longest word in the English language.” Other acts included singing the 91 words in “The Donut Song” grace in one breath. That’s talent!! Some lovely and sincere beading happened tonight at Council Fire. Some campers had only known each other for a few days, some for several summers but the sentiment was often the same: “you are a friend, I feel I know you” ” you have helped me and been there for me.”
Campers also challenged themselves in areas such as at the waterfront, where two have already done four Bear pit swims (approximately 400 meters) and our community of TL-ers have done 19 in total in three days, as well as their first swim to Tamarack Farm (1000 meters).
Tomorrow, our First and Big Lodge Trips go out. Pack out has gone extremely well and was through and fun. Senior Lodge will get their senior sign-ups, and also have a co-ed work project with Indian Brook Senior Lodgers. And, of course, they will also put the team on their back by cleaning the dishes and pots to keep the community running. Staff is so conscientious that they are seeking me out the day before to make sure their cabin is ready for the next day’s work.
An excellent beginning, and I can see it getting even better.