Farm & Wilderness Blog

Delicious milk - Farm & Wilderness

Written by Chantal Deojay | June 29, 2012

This summer we are getting milk from four cows for all of our F&W camps- two first calf heifers (Rhubarb and Hibiscus) and two cows (Rachel and Strawberry).  We are trying to get everyone, campers and staff alike, up to speed on milking so that we get most of the milk into the bulk tank (instead of on the floor).  Once that happens, we should be pretty close to supplying the kitchens with most of the milk they need.

Each cow can be milked for about 10 months- then they get a dry  period before the calve again- We will breeding the cows this summer so that they calve again next season.  Moon (who was born in July of last year) will join the herd late in the game next year. She will be bred in early fall at about 15 months old.

So drink up that F&W farm fresh milk!