Farm & Wilderness Blog

Our first week's activities, so far .... - Farm & Wilderness

Written by abreen | June 28, 2012

Today is the first sunny day of camp, but you would have never known it. It is so nice to have the sun out, especially for our first adventure day. Out of three rainy days, we still managed to run three swim lessons this week, though one of them was inside the barn (yes, they actually did teach swim lessons in the barn) and two were in the water.  Campers seem to enjoy camp thoroughly.  So much goes on in a day that it seems as if more than four days have passed. Here is a small sample of some of our afternoon activities this week:

Greased Watermelon

Car Wash and Oil Change

Bug Paintings

Making Pinball Machines

Making “take home gardens”

Low Ropes Course and Orange and Clove making

Batik and Goat Walking

Playing Camouflage, Hide and Seek, and Shelter Building

Making Boats and sailing them

Bubbles and Hunting for Gold at the Waterfront

I am sure there were more, but these are the ones that pop into my head. Our groups have gotten to know each other by playing games, learning names, going on an all-day adventure and creating their own group contracts. Many, many songs have been sung and we have even learned a few new ones. The sun is threatening to stick around for a bit, so we will be spending more time at the waterfront and playing outside. Today, as the campers returned from their adventures, they seem enthusiastic, tired and ready for the ice cream that awaits them.  Looking forward to camp tomorrow….