Farm & Wilderness Blog

Welcome to the BDC 2012 - Farm & Wilderness

Written by abreen | June 24, 2012

As I sit at the Barn Day Camp and write this I know that in a short 20 hours our campers will be arriving. We can hardly wait. Our staff are tired of training and ready for campers.  We have just finished 16 days of staff training. Our staff are super duper antsy and excited to run camp. They have been sufficiently trained in all areas to be dubbed the best camp counselors on the planet.  I don’t think there are too many camps out there that spend the time and go into the depth we do at Farm & Wilderness to prepare our staff for campers. And, as you all know or soon will, all this effort pays off. The weather has been hot, the lake is not too cold, the animals need folks to feed and take care of them. and the circle feels very empty. As one of our new staff said so eloquently, “I realized this week that what our job is at the Barn Day Camp is to make the magic happen for the kids.”  So get ready for a summer of magic and fun for your children.  Singing and weeding, farming and climbing, swimming and adventuring, friends and games, silliness and skills and so much more. We will see you all soon.