At the Barn Day Camp, young children explore the many facets of the farm and the natural world within a nurturing, creative and cooperative community. Barn campers are Vermonters, summer residents or families choosing to make a family vacation to Vermont based on the BDC schedule. Arriving each morning in a parent’s car or on the camp van, campers run to greet friends or favorite animals. The whole camp circles up and says good morning, then campers join their regular activity group for morning adventures. Activity areas include Creative Arts, Barns & Gardens, Outdoor Living Skills, Waterfront, Work Projects (carpentry), Rock Climbing, and Nature. After lunch and passing the talking stick at Silent Meeting, campers choose their own afternoon activity. A group might feed the chickens, harvest snacks from the garden, paint a mural, take a short hike, climb the climbing wall, or play water games. Every session includes an adventurous overnight camping trip for every age group, and there are daily swimming lessons. The mix of ages, both of campers and staff, makes The Barn a unique place at F&W. At The Barn, a playful spirit fills everything, from daily singing to special theme days such as Topsy Turvy Tuesday.
Barn Day Camp
May 23, 2012
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