Have you have been on a holiday or similar experience that is so full of activities and interaction that you can’t even imagine how you could sum it up in anything less than a ten page letter – much less a postcard. Trips Night was a big hit with mad skits and 73% of the campers getting their first choice out of eight, 20% getting their second choice, and only 7% getting a third choice.
Tonight was Council Fire with a great first beading ceremony of appreciations such as: “I’d be lost without you. You’re my best friend.” Many friends expressed gratitude that their friends had been willing to try Timberlake and other were glad their friends had encouraged them to come.
Tomorrow is a Garden and Arts afternoon and a Superhero Theme Day, ahem, actually “The Avenging Light faces the Darkness from the Alternate Dimension Day.” I know it won’t be an ordinary Sunday! I have so much more to tell, but right now I’m too busy planning the upcoming events to get into details. Please check back in a few days.
Oh yes, and the weather has been delightful.