Greetings Blog Readers!
We are getting closer and closer to the summer now. Even though it is only a couple weeks away, we still have a good deal of work to do. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Flying Cloud could exist in its summer form all year? In reality, we build all the lodges at the beginning of the summer and take them back down at the end. This summer, we are setting up eight tipis, two yomes, and two wigwams as living quarters. There is a ton of other work that goes into making Flying Cloud possible. We’ve cleaned out the food shelter and stocked it for cooking meals, set up our water system, and prepped our bigger shelters, such as Two Kettles, the Tool Shelter and Kahonkahona. We want to have Flying Cloud in tip-top shape for the arrival of the campers.
In the end though, we all know that there is so much more to Flying Cloud than its structures and campus. That’s why, even though the tipis aren’t standing throughout the year, we can all carry it with us in our hearts. It’s the people that make it so special, and soon enough our village will be united once again!
Be well and much love,
Ps. Here’s a photo of the staff setting up a lodge in the woods. The smoke you see is a new ritual we are beginning this summer. Every time we build a home we light a fire to recognize the connection between home and the hearth. Can you pick out with lodge site this is?