Farm & Wilderness Blog

Ninjas VS Pirates (Camper catch Counselor, Counselor catch Camper) - Farm & Wilderness

Written by Kory Mathis | July 31, 2010

I just spent the last hour running through the woods, yelling pirate verse “Avast, ye bested me but I’ll have me revenge and ye’ll be in Davy Jones Locker soon enough” and alternately being chased by campers and chasing them.

It’s a great game where campers chase the counselors and when the bell rings, the counselors chase the campers. The bell rings more and more quickly, until it’s ringing every 30 seconds!

It sounds simple – but there was some magical elements. Many of the players were not your classic athletes or competive, but they were giving it their absolute all. It was a game, but the goal wasn’t just to make a goal or score. The goal was the interaction, the back and forth, the friendly taunting, the tagging the camp director and yes the running up and down hills for an hour!