Hello there from Flying Cloud! After a whole ton of preparation, and then some standing around twiddling our thumbs, the campers are finally here, and it’s GREAT! We had a beautiful day for arrival day, and now that we’re into the swing of things, there are abundant smiles around camp.
We’ve spent the last couple of days learning how things are done at Flying Cloud, and getting to know the landscape. Yesterday afternoon was a Flying Cloud scavenger hunt, and campers found all sorts of amazing things. They were tasked with finding something beautiful, something sharp, a chewed leaf and about two dozen other cool puzzles from around Flying Cloud.
Today, we’re down at Saltash Mountain camp doing swim tests, so we can all go dipping in the FC pond this summer, which will be great if it stays as sunny as it is today. We have a pretty amazing connection with our brothers and sisters at SAM Camp, and we’re really looking forward to swimming, canoeing and Contra Dancing with them this summer! Below is a photo from the walk down. Pretty lovely, eh?
I’ve already had a handful of boys who are signed up for first session asking me about staying all summer so if you think your son might be interested I’d encourage you to talk with him about that and get in touch with me. There are still some spaces in Second Half and of course we’d love for your son to spend more time in nature with us!