There’s great and then there’s GREAT
During this season I spend a lot of time talking about Timberlake with parents at camp fairs, on the phone, and at house parties.
I used to search for the right way to describe why Timberlake is such a GREAT place and not just a great place. You may pause her to ask “What’s the difference?”
People will often say “You’re really great”. While this vague acknowledgment of our virtues is nice, it’s often not enough. We need acceptance but we also need a sense of accomplishment and achievement. We want someone to say “I see what you’ve accomplished and I’m impressed”.
What is so great about Timberlake?
I believe it’s a great camp because we have stuck to our roots and to the core values of summer camps.
In an article published in the American Camping Association magazine, they identified three core elements of camp:
– An intimate relationship with nature
– Authentic human connections
– Human-powered activities
As a camp, we have intuitively known these three truths and remained faithful to them over the past seventy years.
By having a Silent Meeting on the top of a mountain, we aren’t just ‘bagging’ the summit, but deepening our intimate relationship with nature. Just as our three-sided cabins and general lifestyle helps us love being outdoors…by being outdoors.
When it comes to human connections, we strive to find authenticity in letting everyone have a voice and by improving our listening skills. We find authenticity when we don’t shy away from issues around race or gender and do the work necessary so that everyone feels at home and accepted.
And yes, we build fires, chop wood, paddle canoes and even turn Ferris wheels by hand. TL power is human power!
So, yes I do believe we are a “great” camp because we focus on seeing the unique strengths and greatness in each boy. Every summer is a fresh start, bursting with potential.
I welcome you to join me in preparing for this coming summer.
It’s going to be a great one.