Farm & Wilderness Blog

10 Ways to Stay Connected to Your Summer Camp Experience

Written by Tulio Browning | September 13, 2024


Missing camp? We understand. There’s something magical about those summer days spent outside, forming new friendships, pushing yourself into new experiences and growing as individuals at Farm & Wilderness. But just because summer has ended doesn't mean your connection with camp has to. Whether you're longing for the activities, friends, your cabin life or just the simple joy of being surrounded by nature, here are 10 ways to stay connected to the Farm & Wilderness experience year-round! 


1) Join In-Person Reunions 

Farm & Wilderness hosts in-person gatherings across various locations throughout the fall. These events range from reunions for families and staff from Summer 2024 to our popular Get Outside All Together (GOAT)  hikes. These reunions offer an ideal opportunity to reconnect. And if there isn't an official gathering nearby, let us know and we'll help you organize it.  Rally fellow campers in your vicinity and bring the camp spirit to life! Meeting up with your camp community face-to-face is a wonderful way to keep those cherished connections thriving.


2) Write to Your Camp Friends

Remember the excitement of receiving a letter at camp? Keep that magic alive by writing to your camp friends! Take a few moments to pen a heartfelt letter. There's something uniquely touching about a handwritten note. And once you've started the conversation, feel free to continue it through email, phone calls, or even Snapchat—whatever keeps the connection strong!


3) Stay Connected on Social Media 

If you've chosen to step away from social media, we commend you! But if you're still scrolling, Farm & Wilderness has a treasure trove of summer snapshots and memories waiting for you. Our dedicated social media curator, Tori Clitheroe, delights in sharing nostalgic posts and remarks that will brighten your day. Stay connected and relive those cherished camp moments by following us online!


4) Get Outside Every Day 

One of camp's greatest gifts is the bond it fosters with nature. While summer may have ended, your outdoor adventures don't have to. Make it a priority to step outside for a few moments each day. Especially on those busy days brimming with activities, a longer break in nature can be refreshing - and necessary!. 


5) Work Is Love Made Visible 

At Farm & Wilderness, we embrace the motto “Work is Love Made Visible”—and we truly believe in it! Volunteering within your community or simply lending a hand at home can bring immense satisfaction and fortify your relationships. Whether it's assisting at a local charity or taking on small tasks for a neighbor, these acts of kindness integrate the camp’s values into your daily life, making every day a little more meaningful. 


6) Show Your Appreciation 

Take a moment for gratitude for the people in your life.  Remember how it felt to get a special appreciation at camp? Rememer how it sets the bar higher for kindness in the whole group when there is a public acknowledgement of someone else's contributions?  Whether it’s a friend, family member or a person you just met,  letting someone know what you value about them builds deeper, more meaningful relationships. A few words, said with integrity, can go a long way in creating community. 


7) Embrace the Power of Silence 

Farm & Wilderness' Quaker roots remind us of the value of silence—both alone and in groups. Silence can be a powerful tool for introspection, allowing us to tune into our inner thoughts and emotions, and to better understand our place in the world. Try starting a meeting or meal with a brief moment of silence to center yourself and those around you. This small practice can create a space of reflection and calm, helping you stay connected to the peace you found at camp.

This pause can foster a sense of unity and shared purpose.  

Incorporating moments of silence into your daily routine can also be a form of self-care and care for others.  These moments of quietude can help you maintain that connection to the Farm & Wilderness experience.


8) Make Some Noise!

Conversely, there are moments when you simply need to unleash your exuberance! Shout with enthusiasm for the causes and passions that ignite your spirit. Do it with joy—akin to those uninhibited morning song sessions and All Camp Game cheers. Revel in the joy that these moments bring!


9) Practice “Anything Is Possible” 

At camp, we were encouraged to dream without limits. Keep a journal or a list where you jot down your most daring and ambitious dreams. Even if they seem unattainable or just slightly out of reach, embrace the fearless dreaming spirit you had at Farm & Wilderness. Grand, audacious goals? Bring them on! Maintain the mantra of “Anything Is Possible” throughout the year.


10) Remember: You Have a Home at Farm & Wilderness

Wherever life leads you, never forget that Farm & Wilderness is your sanctuary. You have woven yourself into the fabric of this extraordinary community, adding your own touch of magic, and it will forever be a place where you are welcome. Embrace and celebrate this enduring connection!




By nurturing your connections with fellow campers, immersing yourself in nature, and upholding the values you cherished at camp, you’ll discover that the essence of your camp experience persists and transforms alongside you. Keep in touch, embrace the great outdoors, and passionately champion the causes you believe in.  Let our Mission remind you all year you can find  "Joyful Play, Purposeful Work and Rugged Outdoor Living!"